Technical Vision
The WiTech Lab seeks to develop and apply nascent wireless technologies, both passive and active, to improve daily life.
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- (7/23) Jingxian Wang receives the 2023 ACM SIGMOBILE Doctoral Dissertation Award!
- (4/23) Two accepted papers at MobiCom'23 on wireless actuation and spectrum sensing!
- (3/23) Two accepted papers at ICRA'23 on soft robots and mmWave sensing!
- (2/23) Paper at IPSN'23 on mmWave structural sensing.
- (8/22) Three Ph.D. students graduate from WiTech lab to join as faculty at UW, UCSD and NUS!
- (7/22) Two papers at IROS'22 on robotic sensing using mmWave and Wi-Fi.
- (3/22) Our paper on powerline backscatter is accepted at NSDI'22
- (2/22) Our paper on fast RFID localization is accepted at UbiComp'22
- (2/22) Two papers at IPSN'22: Milton and SelfieStick!
- (1/22) Two papers at CHI'22: on Privacy Protective Behavior and Lean Privacy Review (TOCHI)!
- (12/21) Swarun Kumar receives the CMU-CIT Dean's Early Career Fellowship (2021)
- (10/21) Akshay Gadre wins the 2021 ACM SIGBED/SIGSOFT Frank Anger Memorial Award
- (5/21) NFC Textiles wins Best Paper at IPSN 2021!
- (4/21) Swarun receives the 2021 ACM SIGBED Early Career Researcher Award.
- (4/21) Two papers accepted at IPSN 2021 on LoRa localization and NFC Textiles
- (2/21) Vaibhav Singh wins the James Sprague Presidential Fellowship from CIT!
- (1/21) Two papers accepted at MobiCom 2021 on mm-wave backscatter and cubesat groundstations